Pig facts: More Than Bacon

Pig facts

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Pig facts: We have a responsibility in what we consume but it becomes difficult to make good choices when we have no idea of what is in a product.

Christein Meindertsma, said: ‘Like most people, I had little idea of what happens to a pig after it leaves the abattoir so I decided to try to find out. She said: she was shocked when she began to find out just how unusual and varied the different uses for an ordinary pig were.

In most developed countries, it’s almost as if these days, a pig is no longer thought of an animal but more like an industrial raw material with a mind-blowing amount of different uses.

According to the report of Marcus Dunk, Christein Meindertsma found out that for every ounce of pig, 185 more astonishing products are created. Below are some of the products gotten form our beloved pig, not just bacon.

Pig facts

Ice creamGelatinRegulates the sugar crystallization and slows down the melting process
Cream cheeseGelatinKeeps it stable.
Wine, Beer, Fruit JuiceGelatinAbsorbs cloudy element to give a clear drink
Face maskCollagenHelps reduce wrinkles.
SoapFatty acid from bone fatHardening and coloring agent
Hair and paint brushesPig hairUsed in painting and hair brushing
CandlesFatty acid from bone fatUsed to stiffen the wax and raise the candles melting point.
BreadProtein from pig hairUsed to soften the dough.
TambourinePigs bladderUsed in making sound
PaintFatty acid from bone fatIncreases gloss
Tooth pasteGlycerin from bone fatUsed to give toothpaste its texture
Train brakesBone ashUsed in trains
Human valvePig heart valveTo replace defective human valve
Chemical weapon testingWhole pigBecause of their similarity to human tissue, they are usually used to test chemical weapons first.

The complex workings of the global food and processing industry have ensured that it is almost impossible to avoid pig altogether. So when next you think of a pig don’t just think BACON.

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