Ethical Solution: AgriCoat Classic Case Study 1

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In search for an Ethical solution, a lot of choices usually come to perform. On the other hand, the chief will always should ensure that his conclusions are ethically sound and implementable. This piece requires a look at the timeless AgriCoat Classic case study.

In trying to analyse Jim’s’label’, I’m of the opinion that Jim’s tag would be said to portray interest based route.The basic idea behind interest established analysis is the ethical appraisal of actions and policies depend solely on their impacts. That having been said, the only impacts that really matter are the interests of the parties affected (generally human beings).

Jim is fixed between the pursuits of IAC, ChemCorp, Arthur and his conscience. He experienced some very deep doubt or what some people refer to as certainty about the new campaign he was asked to develop. This label contains the ethical common sense that is in certain cases seen as a general default for everyone.

Within this label, we can observe that Jim is bothered with the paths of ethical thinking and wouldn’t want to commence the plan of this campaign without asking himself questions based on values and ethics regarding the morality of the consequences of the campaign.

One of the activities Arthur took on his assumption of office was to quickly surround himself with an new I see that this tieing to IAC’s quest to expand her portfolio of small and medium companies with superior cash flow and established market share in the agricultural sector.

It is correct that these firms were looking foward to growth and were somewhat prepared at the time. It’s necessary to state where their gaps laid. They also sold to IAC with the knowledge that the top management would remain and also the thrust of this company will be maintained. I percieve that this is where things started to fall apart.

Arthur had compromised with their initial decision of”arms lenght” interaction and has been willing to play ball with IAC possibly to increase the degree of funds infusion Chemcorp recieved. Much like the Challenger case which had significant difficulties in poor communication and poor ethics, the Agricoat case study is one which needs an ethical alternative.

In the Challenger case, they launched the shuttle, dismissing expert advice based on the bad weather conditions. The launch was even politically motivated becuase we remember that it had been assumed to be started to encourage the president’s political ambition.

Ethical Solution: Who takes the blame

In trying to justify on whose shoulders the responsibility-in-action remainder on, it is very important to know who exactly has the role of carrying out the effort.In cases like this, IAC and”ChemCorp” (Arthur) are already in agreement about the need for the campaign, but the individual who’s responsible for designing and executing the job is no other but Jim.Jim is saddled with the duty of putting out the fertilizer on the market and creating a fantastic advertorial that will translate to earnings.

Ethical Solution: What’s the next move?

As Jim, I will officially request for a meeting with my boss, Arthur, someone from top direction of IAC and the fertilizer company whose products are harmful to the environment. In this assembly, I will bring an environmental and health professional to deliver a lecture about the effect of the chemical to the environment, animal and human health. I feel this is going to be a polite way to let them know that I’m not eager to carry on with the effort.

If this Doesn’t Work, or perhaps I do not Have Sufficient time to do this, I will officially write to Arthur and those will be my motives;

A. Adding this product to our market brands will boomerang in the middle term and this will impact the trust already built on ChemCorp for a long time.

B. This action won’t just affect the organization’s image, it will also cause a downward trend in earnings and may eventually land us a law suit.

C. I won’t intentionally set the lives of other human beings in danger irrespective of where they are located; Europe or even Africa.

D. It is not morally right for me to use chemicals already banned because of their negative effect on the surroundings.

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